Barton of the San Diego Superior Court and was a Jefferson Fellow Research Assistant. Resendes also clerked for the Honorable Jeffrey B. Resendes has received twelve Witkin Awards for Legal Excellence, a national Inns of Court Outstanding Program Award and was editor of Thomas Jefferson Law Review for three years. She graduated from law school summa cum laude in May 2011. Resendes is a recipient of the prestigious, national Burton Award for Excellence in Legal Writing, for her published student note regarding the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. Her primary focus includes business contracts, businesses litigation and disputes, employment law defense, regulatory law in food, drugs and cosmetics, unfair business competition and real estate litigation.
Prior to attending law school, she worked as a judicial secretary in the San Diego Superior Court for approximately 6 years, and as a legal assistant at large and mid-sized San Diego firms. Resendes has been working in the legal field for over 20 years.